Raw Material Lexicon

açai oil

Açai is our little miracle for mature skin. The phytosterols in açai oil are used to prevent cutaneous aging by promoting cell metabolism and reducing inflammation. Antioxidants such as anthocyanins fight free radicals. Açai oil is used in particular in anti-aging formulations and anti-wrinkle creams for dry and aged people
Skin. Smile lines and fine lines are gently padded.

babassu oil

Babassu oil is harvested from the seeds of the babassu palm and contains valuable linoleic and lauric acid, which have an antimicrobial effect. The oil makes your skin supple and leaves it feeling silky soft, but is also suitable for oily skin with inflammatory blemishes.

bacaba oil

The traditional method of extraction involves crushing the fruit with a mortar and pestle to separate the pulp from the seed. The oil is obtained from the fruit pulp. Bacaba oil contains high amounts of unsaturated oil and linoleic fatty acids. The high content of linoleic acid (16%), which is also one of the lipid components of the skin, helps reduce trans-epidermal water loss and keeps the skin from drying out.

bacuri butter

The fatty acid composition of bacuri butter indicates a high absorption capacity, which promotes rapid penetration into the skin. It therefore has very good care and regeneration properties. Bacuri supports the natural skin barrier, reduces skin spots and leaves a velvety, golden skin tone. Also very suitable for problem skin.

buriti oil

The buriti palm is found throughout central Brazil to the southern Amazon plains. Their wildly harvested fruits are rich in active ingredients and healthy carotenoid bombs. It is very rich in oleic acid and β-carotene, vitalizes, nourishes and regenerates your skin, acts as an antioxidant and supports cell renewal. Due to the gentle manufacturing process, all bioactive ingredients are preserved. The oil is therefore a real quality product and ideal for moisturizing and anti-aging formulations. It is applied to the skin by the Amazonians after sunburn or used as an effective sunscreen. Your skin will be noticeably softer.

Copaiba ätherisches Balsamöl

Die Destillation ist ein Trennverfahren, das auf dem Gleichgewicht zwischen der flüssigen und der gasförmigen Phase des Öl-Harzes, einer homogenen Mischung, basiert. Die flüchtigste Phase der Kondensation bleibt in dem oberen Teil derDestillationskolonne. Es ist eine farblose Substanz mit angenehmem Aroma und reich an Sesquiterpenen.

Copaiba Harzöl

Die chemische Zusammensetzung des Vollspektrum Copaiba-Harzöls weist 72 Sesquiterpene und 28 Diterpene auf. Das am meisten untersuchte Sesquiterpen ist Caryophyllen mit hohem Wirkungsgrad bei Schmerzlinderung und Anti-Pilz-Eigenschaften. In kosmetischen Zubereitungen wird es wegen seiner antimikrobiellen, entzündungshemmenden und weichmachenden Eigenschaften geschätzt und lindert schnell von Juckreiz gereizte und entzündete Haut.

Dragon's Blood (Sangre de Drago Extract)

Sangre de Drago is the pure, undiluted tree resin of the dragon blood tree and forms a protective layer on your skin. In the traditional medicine of South America, it protects against infections, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect and accelerates wound healing, which is why it is considered a remedy by the indigenous population. As an anti-aging active ingredient, it has an astringent and smoothing effect and consists of over 90% natural, antioxidant OPC. Improves your skin tone and texture.


Graviola (Annona muricata) produziert natürliche Acetogenine in seinem Blatt-, Stamm-, Rinden- und Fruchtsamen, die neben signifikanten Anti-Tumor- und Antikrebs-Eigenschaften eine selektive Toxizität gegenüber verschiedenen Arten von Krebszellen aufweisen (ohne
gesunde Zellen zu schädigen).

Guave Öl

Guavenöl (Psidium guajava) hat sehr nährende und beruhigende Eigenschaften. Es ist eine ausgezeichnete Quelle für Beta-Carotin, Polyphenole und
Vitamine A, K und der B-Komplex, Kupfer, Zink, Selen und Phosphor. Guavenöl weist große Mengen an Lycopin aus, ein starkes Antioxidans bekannt für seine schützende Wirkung gegen zellschädigende freie Radikale.

jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is obtained from the seeds of the jojoba bush, which grows in the deserts and semi-deserts of North America. In order to obtain the golden-yellow jojoba wax, the mature seeds are pressed. Jojoba oil contains gadoleic acid, erucic acid, oleic acid and palmitic acid. It contains high concentrations of provitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin E. These vitamins stimulate cell renewal and collagen synthesis, improve elasticity and have antioxidant properties. Thanks to its special composition, jojoba oil also provides moisture without being greasy.

Muruci Öl

Muruci Öl ist reich an Omega-6- und Omega-9 Fettsäuren und verschiedenen anderen sekundären Pflanzenstoffen mit einem angenehm milden Duft. Es erfreut sich in der Hautpflege aufgrund seiner feuchtigkeitsspendenden und entzündungshemmenden Wirkung großer Beliebtheit. Als Hautpflegebestandteil unterstützt Muruci Öl die Wiederherstellung der Hautbarrierefunktion, verbessert die Hautelastizität und erhöht die Kollagenproduktion.

Passionsfrucht Samenöl

Das (Passiflora edulis) zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Konzentration an Omega-6 (Linolsäure bis zu 70%) aus, die den Austausch von essentiellen Fettsäuren liefert, und somit den transepidermalen Wasserverlust (TEWL) reduziert.

brazil nut oil

The Brazil nut is a stately, often up to 50 meter high tree of the Amazon rainforest and is valued in the cosmetics industry primarily for its antioxidant and moisturizing properties in anti-aging formulations. Especially suitable for dry skin. With its high content of vitamins A, E and selenium, the oil protects the skin tissue from free radicals.


Dieses Öl aus dem Amazonas-Regenwald ist vollgepackt mit nährenden Elementen und bietet fantastische Vorteile für jedes Körperpflegeprogramm, bereichert die Haarpflege, vermindert krauses Haar und hilft, die perfekten Locken zu definieren. Es ist ein leistungsstarker Feuchtigkeitsspender und Conditioner, beruhigt und lindert geschädigte, problematische Haut.

pracaxi oil

Pracaxi oil, also called miracle oil by the Amazonians, is known for its highest concentration of behenic acid and is used in cosmetic products because of its excellent wetting properties. The oil has an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial effect and is used for numerous dermatological applications such as age spots, incorrect pigmentation, acne as well as scars and burns.

pataua oil

The oil extracted from the pulp of the Pataua palm has a greenish-yellow transparent color and has a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. Due to its high oleic acid content, Pataua oil has moisturizing properties and is ideal for use in skin creams or skin oils.

Sacha Inchi Oil

The Sacha Inchi oil is obtained from the Inca peanut, absorbs well and has a moisturizing effect. It pampers your skin with a high content of vitamins A and E.

Sqalan pflanzlich

Squalan ist ein natürlicher Kohlenwasserstoff, der aus dem unverseifbaren Anteil des Olivenöls gewonnen wird. Er dient als wertvoller Pflegegrundstoff. Squalan schützt die Haut vor Feuchtigkeitsverlust, macht sie weich und geschmeidig und verbessert dadurch die Struktur des natürlichen Lipidfilms.

ucuuba butter

The Ucuuba tree is found throughout the Amazon and its ingredients are used in creams for their anti-inflammatory, healing, toning and antiseptic properties

Vitamin E

Tocopherol has an antioxidant and cell-protecting or cell-renewing effect and reduces skin damage caused by UV radiation. Vitamin E also has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes wound healing and helps your skin to strengthen its natural protective barrier. Since vitamin E is able to bind moisture in the stratum corneum, it has a smoothing effect on the skin relief.

Wild rose oil (rosehip seed oil)

Rosehip seed oil is a precious seed oil that is very easily absorbed by the skin and does not leave an annoying oil film. Rosehip seed oil helps the skin retain its natural moisture by protecting against water evaporation. It regenerates, nourishes and smoothes the skin and is used, among other things, for couperose, acne, pigment spots and scars. Our rosehip seed oil comes from Chile and is certified organic.