Two sisters.
a vision.

With the best vibes from the Amazon

At the beginning

was the idea - it was born
the vision - to create something wild
the mindset - was born
on the strategy - we had to tinker a bit
the heart - was now beating wildly
the implementation - was fun and
....born was SKINDIGO

Die Schwestern Fusion

Der Respekt vor dem Wissen & den Traditionen der indigenen Naturvölker bildet das Fundament unserer Produktentwicklungen. Dabei haben wir drei zentrale Aspekte in den Fokus gerückt:

1. Ganzheitlicher Ansatz für Schönheit & Gesundheit: Wir glauben, dass wahre Schönheit aus einem harmonischen Zusammenspiel von Körper, Gesit & Natur entsteht.
2: Nutzen und Mehrwert für alle: Unsere Produkte bieten nicht nur einen hohen Nutzen für Naturkosmetikliebhaber, sondern unterstützen auch die indigene Bevölkerung, indem sie deren Wissen und Ressourcen respektvoll einbeziehen.
3. Sinnvolle & hochwertige Kompositionen: Wir legen Wert auf Formulierungen, die nicht nur effektiv sind, sondern auch auf der Haut spürbar performen und ein positives Gefühl vermitteln.

Mit diesem Ansatz möchten wir euch und eurer Haut Freude bereiten und eure Herzen höher schlagen lassen.

Enjoy and wild up your beauty!

The Founders

As a beauty expert and state-approved beautician (Gaby) and certified health coach with BA in media management (Silvi), we have wanted to start a joint project for a long time, which we both enjoy very much.

Fascinated by the wild diversity and the potential of the plants and trees in the Amazon, we were particularly impressed by the smell, the color and the effect of the diverse oils, which are extracted from the seeds and nuts. The vision of combining wild plants with sustainable production was born in 2021 at Lake Constance. One day Gaby said "Let's do this, wild cosmetics!" and Silvi said "Cool, I've always wanted to do it".

the fire

Our products contain all our passion and heart and soul for socially acceptable and sustainable natural cosmetics that are fun. From the beginning it was clear that we only wanted to use the best, natural and, above all, wild ingredients for our product.

Fortunately for us and yours, we have a partner at our side who supports us in this.
His many years of cooperation with the forest dwellers in the Amazon gives us the guarantee for transparent and sustainable raw materials of the highest quality, which we process in our products.

We want to create living products in which all enzymes, vitamins and other active ingredients can develop their full effect and dance on your skin through gentle processing. With the purchase of our products, you also make a small contribution to the preservation of the jungle.

✓ Wild plants from sustainable local farming initiatives
✓ Wild oils come directly from the Amazon rainforest
✓ Premium quality from wild growth
✓ Gently harvested by hand using a sustainable method
✓ Wild plants harvested directly from healthy and vital trees in one of the liveliest and most nutrient-rich primeval forests on earth
✓ The trees grow away from all industrial agriculture and environmental toxins and are therefore absolutely free of any contamination
✓ Premium active ingredients from pure plant substances
✓ Direct procurement from partners in the Amazon
✓ If additives only valuable natural substances
✓ Gentle manufacturing processes for purity and quality
✓ Independent laboratory tests of the products
✓ Only premium suppliers with fair working conditions
✓ Packaging in violet glass
✓ 100% recyclable FSC® certified boxes