Vorsicht, zuckersüße Haut!

Careful, sweet skin!

The saccharification of the skin is a natural aging process that occurs through the supply of sugar molecules, i.e. the absorption of sugar, and is a quasi-destructive biochemical process in the tissue.

You can recognize saccharification of the skin by a pale complexion, dwindling elasticity, formation of wrinkles, cracks or inflammation. Because sugar is one of the biggest causes of premature skin aging. This phenomenon is caused by different types of sugar.

But what does saccharification of the skin actually mean?

Skin cells can saccharify. Doctors speak of glycation. Excessive sugar consumption causes the body's own proteins to connect and stick to the sugar molecules (glucose, fructose, galactose). If the resulting AGEs (advanced glycation end product) are stored over a longer period of time, tissue and cells could be damaged and skin aging accelerated, especially in connection with an increased blood sugar level.

The body's response to AGEs is antibodies, causing inflammation in the body that causes collagen and elastin fibers to harden. As the fibers become saccharified, they lose their spiral-like shape. Some also speak of caramelizing the tissue fibers. Conclusion: The skin structure, as well as moisture, resilience and elasticity of the skin are permanently impaired. Lines and wrinkles appear.

Beware of too much sugar

So the more sugar we ingest from food, the more glycation end products the body forms. The following foods in particular should be enjoyed in moderation.

  • Foods containing glucose (dextrose)
  • Foods containing fructose (fructose)
  • Lactose (milk sugar)
  • Sucrose (table sugar)
  • Baked, roasted, grilled
  • alcohol

What is the role of L-Carnosine

Studies show that L-carnosine is effective against harmful protein alteration. It is a compound of beta-alanine and L-histidine that has antioxidant properties. You can support your body by eating foods rich in L-carnosine such as cheese, nuts or fish.

It starts at 30

Over the years, the sugar metabolism slows down, carbohydrates and sugar are increasingly deposited in the cells, and the body can no longer process all the end products of carbohydrate breakdown.

Molecules made of sugar and proteins, which saccharify the skin and thus accelerate the skin aging process, form from the age of 25 when the natural level of L-carnosine in the body drops.

The visible consequences of saccharification finally start around the age of 30.

So all those who are still very young can relax a little. However, you should tackle it as early as possible in order to keep your skin beautiful for as long as possible. A low-sugar diet and a healthy lifestyle help to keep the skin radiant and young for as long as possible.

It is best to try to avoid unhealthy, short-chain carbohydrates such as those found in sweets, fruit juices, pastries, white bread, ready meals, ketchup, chips and fries and to reduce your general sugar consumption. This is because these short-chain carbohydrates will drive your skin's glycation.

Natural antioxidants in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables generally help against inflammation and are suitable for anti-aging nutrition. They bind free radicals and are something like the guardian angels of your skin cells. With a healthy diet, plenty of fluids, effective skin care and a balanced lifestyle, you can stop premature skin aging and delay the destructive biochemical process of glycation.